Friday, February 18, 2011

How to connect desktop to Tikona over WiFi (a.k.a Tikona all home configuration/settings)

Hello guys,
I've been using Tikona for quite sometime using the Ruckus Gateway/Router(better known as U-shaped modem). The subscription came with an all home option, but I've never been able to connect the desktop via wifi to it. Tried the latest dialer from Tikona, which is supposed to establish the connection automatically, with no progress. The service engineer checked it thoroughly and announced that either my USB wifi adapter's drivers are not proper or the wifi option is not enabled in the router and that I need to call the advanced support team to enable it. The advanced support team was not of much help. So, I just gave in and because the units are fully customized by Tikona, there's nothing that we can do to enable it or make some changes in the way they behave/connect. There's virtually no document anywhere as to how to do anything, either. I also contemplated exploring the option of using an Access Point cum Router in Bridge/Repeater Mode to wifi-enable my desktop and winmobile. This is still in my mind, and would be explored later.

Before spending on an AP, I just thought about having some more experiments with the unit. I wanted to see what exactly the dialer does, coz it is said to connect to some hidden network. Fired up the dialer, set the adapter to the wireless and asked it to connect using all home, all the while keeping a watch on the wireless networks in view. Voila! A new network by the name "TDN-Home" is added and later, it disappears and another one, "tikonawifi", comes up. But in any case, the pc is not connecting to the wifi network and so the authentication fails. The newly created networks are also deleted. I decided to explore it further and while it is there, opened up the tikonawifi entry and got out the parameters from it.

They are:
Security Type:WPA2-Enterprise
Network Authentication Method: PEAP

With these, I added a wireless network to my desktop and it connected beautifully, after asking for the username and password. Once the wifi network connection is established, login page loads which can be used to connect to the Net. This way, I can connect using wifi to the router without any problems after that. If anybody faces problems reg this, I'm available for further discussion.

I also connected my HTC Hermes to the same gateway using wifi, but that's another post!! I personally think the way for mobile would be pretty same for any device, given they have those options. The only limiting factor is the number of authenticated MAC addresses you can have in any given time, but that's a limit imposed by Tikona.

Hope this helps anyone who's trying to get the all home working with their desktops/laptops.

Go Wirefree!!!


Unknown said...

i tried dis setting but no success....hv u made any changes in IP,SUbnetmask and default gateway..
If yes please let me know ....

iShubham said...

hey can u tell me how to do this on laptop,sice i tried to connect tikona

my lappy is showing a network of tikona 180020900,but thats not the real tikona,

i tried to add tikonawifi as a network,it asked me username and pass and then it asks me SECURITY KEY,but i dont know what the key must be..please help me

Unknown said...

Superkiller helped a lot to understand the parallel devices dependencies over their MAC addresses imposed by tikona.

I configured same network settings and it worked but every time start any 2 devices one of the stops working due to 1 device support only .

freelancer said...

sorry abt that.I am able to connect up to 3 devices in parallel without will help to check the Mac addresses registered under your account from the admin page.delete all and start new.